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© Copyright 2023 Twin Beaks© Aviary  All Rights Reserved


Dandelion (taraxacum officinale) Dandelion herb has been associated with improving liver function and liver diseases such as hepatitis and jaundice. It is a strong diuretic that does not deplete potassium in the body. It has been shown to improve both constipation and diarrhea. It purifies the blood, cleanses the digestive system, removes heavy metals from body tissues, and can help dissolve kidney stones. It has been shown to help weight loss, cure acne, lower high blood pressure, cure anemia, lower serum cholesterol levels, reduce acid indigestion and gas, improve some cancers, and help control diabetes all with no negative side effects. The dandelion herb is full of so many vitamins and minerals, and that alone might be the reason it is so beneficial in so many different s. Dandelions are rich in calcium, which is essential for bones to grow healthy and strong. They're also rich in antioxidants that protect bones from age-related damage, such as Vitamin C and Luteolin, which has been shown to have anti-cancer properties.

The antioxidants in dandelions help keep the liver functioning properly, and even help treat hemorrhaging in the liver. Dandelions also aid in maintaining bile flow, which promotes digestion and liver health.

Dandelions have been used in herbal medicine for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. The benefits of this common plant will probably surprise you. For instance, one half cup of dandelions contain more calcium than a glass of milk, and more iron than spinach. One cup of dandelion greens contains 19 mg of Vitamin C, and the leaves contain more Vitamin A than carrots. And if you need some Vitamin K in your life, there's no better source than dandelion leaves; 55 mg of leaves contain a whopping 535% of your daily value.

Dandelions are also chock full of other essential minerals such as potassium, folic acid, and magnesium. And that's not all. Dandelion leaves are a great source of fiber (which helps relieve constipation). The high fiber content also makes you feel full, making it a great food to eat if you're trying to cut calories and lose weight. They also help stabilize your blood sugar, making it a great food for diabetics.

Dandelions are also incredibly high in antioxidants, and because they are a diuretic, they help cleanse your body of toxins.

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astragalus barberry basil calendula chickweed cilantro dandelion dill echinacea elderberry elder flower fennel garlic kavakava kelp lavender licorice marshmallow milk thistle mint oatstraw oliveleaf paudarco plantain redclay redclover rose spirulina strawberry thyme wheatgrass wormwood yarrow yucca

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